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01 Services We Offer

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Work Evolution - Creative Coworking Space

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conaute irure dolor in reprehendeca

A HiperRetail está particularmente grata à Incubadora COM.ESTRELA.
Esta Incubadora organizou um evento onde a HiperRetail viu a sua ideia pela primeira vez validada: https://anmconnection.pt/blog/post/marketplace-hiperretail-startup-premiada-no-primeiro-concurso-de-ideias-de-negocio-estrela-digital.
A incubação neste espaço permitiu desenvolver um trabalho em conjunto, onde a COM.ESTRELA tem tido um papel fundamental no apoio em processos de candidaturas a incentivos, bem como na identificação de investidores organizando o dossier de apresentação da HiperRetail.
A equipa da COM.ESTRELA é muito disponível e flexível, estando sempre disponível para apoiar a HiperRetail.


HiperRetail, by HiperRetail

Com.Estrela has offered fantastic support to our project in its early stages. The mentoring helped us to consolidate our business plan, going over it with a fine tooth comb and ensuring that it was viable. In particular, we found the assistance with the financial aspect of our plan to be extremely valuable. It has given us confidence to apply for several opportunities that are helping us to move forwards. It has been incredibly useful to have a friendly outside perspective to review our ideas and critique our documents whenever needed. The suggestions given have always been very helpful and we feel that the project has advanced as a result – we have gained momentum and credit this in great part to Com.Estrela’s support. We would recommend this mentoring to any other young business in the Serra da Estrela area.

Caminho de Cabras, by Caminho de Cabras
02 Why Choose Us

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A 2007 survey showed that many employees worry about feeling isolated and losing human interaction if they were to telecommute.

We create spaces which

A Hospitality Inspired Co-Working Space.

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